Symptoms of high cholesterol

Recognizing symptoms of high cholesterol. Get to know the “ringing-bell” before the serious damages onset.

The first thing I want you to keep in mind that there is no “real” symptom for high cholesterol. It goes undetected until complications are set. That’s why doctors emphasize the importance of annual check ups especially if you have high risk.

If you perform a regular lipid profile test, most probably you may notice the changes in your blood cholesterol. Then, with some lifestyle changes, you may optimize your blood cholesterol.

Due to persistent high cholesterol, it will be attached to your blood vessel inner wall. As a consequence the blood vessel will be hardened and narrowed. Apparently this will be shown with symptoms and signs of the organ damages. For any detailed symptoms and signs of high cholesterol.

In this section I would like to inform you about the most important events that come out due to high cholesterol, how to recognize the symptoms and what to do.

Heart disease

The major symptoms of high cholesterol appear as signs of heart disease . So:

Chest pain often referred to discomfort in the chest, upper abdomen, neck. You may feel it as pressure, choking, pain, numbness, squeezing and at the same time you may feel pain in arms (especially left arm), head or in the jaw.

Palpitations, commonly described as “skips-heartbeat”. That means, there is a pause, then a strong beat follows it. Sometimes it may feel like heart is beating quickly and irregularly. This is because of high blood pressure caused by the narrowing of blood vessels due to high cholesterol. As you may see, there is a round-circle which involves all your body organs and the only culprit is “high cholesterol”.

Headaches and dizziness,due to limited blood flow in your brain areas. Other factors may influence it, just check with your physician.

Breath-shortness, especially when you lye at your back. Sometimes, you may wake up in the middle of the night breathing rapidly.

Sweating and fainting syndrome.Also related to limited blood flow in brain areas.

Heart Attack

Heart attack is when a Myocardial Infarct occurs. That means one or some of the blood vessels furnishing your heart are totally closed, thus this part of heart suffers and you may have the following signs:

Chest pain or pressure, heaviness, discomfort feelings.

Discomfort extends to arm, back, throat or jaw.

Nausea, dizziness or sweating. Quick heartbeats with non-regular rhythm.

Heartburn, choking feeling or indigestion like.

Feeling very weak, anxious or even short in breath. Keep in mind that heart attack or stroke is an emergency. If you notice any of the above signs, call emergency or seek for help.

I also want to remind you, that initially a stroke occurs very “sweet” with a light pain or discomfort to the chest and may last 30 minutes. Sometimes, especially in diabetics, it comes undetected. That’s why a good blood sugar level control may help prevent stroke onset.

Once again I want to remind you the importance of the above (emergency) events, to make you move and take the right precautions. Healthy heart strategies can keep you away of symptoms of high cholesterol onset.

Stay firm. Keep healthy. Good luck!

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