what do you do if ldl and hdl is good and triglycerides are high?

QUESTION: What do you do if ldl and hdl is good and triglycerides are high? Should go for drugs?


If your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels are good, but your triglycerides are high, then, the problems is in your menu (what you eat).

As triglycerides (TG) usually reflects what you eat, therefore, you should start changing your menu.

Take off fatty foods (especially those high in saturated and trans fats) and high carb ones (sugary foods). They are the worst enemies for those who have high triglycerides levels.

  • The way you behave plays also an important role in increasing triglycerides levels. So, if you smoke, drink alcohol, conduct a sedentary life, etc; all these will negatively affect TG.

    Therefore, you should turn them for good to get your lipid profile readings back to normal again.

  • When it comes to familial hypertriglyceridaemia, all the above-mentioned lifestyle and dietary changes are applicable. However, your doctor will think to start the drug therapy depending on your health conditions and triglyceride levels.

    In other cases, if you do follow the first natural lifestyle changes, then, it shouldn't be any need to start drug therapy. However, your doctor will judge it better.

    All the best!


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    How to lower triglycerides when medication fails to work?

    QUESTION: How to lower triglycerides when medication fails to work?

    ANSWER: Hi,

    First of all, you have to know that generally medications are used in purpose to lower your LDL cholesterol.

  • In addition you have to know that triglycerides have structure different for the one of the LDL cholesterol. Therefore, the medications are not affecting the triglycerides metabolism.

  • Other thing is that medications alone cannot help you much in lowering your high triglycerides.

    The following are some tips on how to lower your blood triglycerides concentration:

    1. The first and probably the most important thing, is diet. You will reduce the intake of carbs, which will interrupt the production of triglycerides and reduce their concentration respectively.

    In purpose to follow appropriate diet, you have to exclude meals like pork, beef, chips, chocolate and other stuff, which contains too much carbs.

    Besides this, you have to start eating regularly 3 to 4 times a day. This meal plan will ensure your body, constant intake of nutrients and good triglycerides metabolism.

    2. The other thing is to start doing exercises. The exercises are helping you to burn the excessive amount of carbs, respectively energy, which will lead to lower product of triglycerides.

    In purpose to achieve this, you should run for at least one hour each day.

    3. Third thing is to stop drinking alcohol. You have to know that the alcohol stimulates the production of triglycerides.

    I will say it in other words - the consumption of alcohol leads to higher triglycerides concentration, so it is a must to avoid it.

    4. Something else is that cigarettes are not leading to something good at all, including the triglycerides metabolism.

    Smoking leads to higher triglycerides concentration in the organism, so try to stop the cigarettes, if you smoke of course.

    All these things will help you to reduce the triglycerides concentration in your blood, which will lead to lower risk for cardio-vascular diseases, like myocardial infarction and stroke.

    I know that it is hard to do all this things, but that will help you.

    All the best!


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