QUESTION: I know olive oil is healthy, I often use it as salad dressing. How can olive oil lower cholesterol levels? What is the best choice between the various types of olive oil?
ANSWER: Hi there,
Olive oil is used since the ancient times, not only to satisfy people's teeth but for its healing properties also.
The researches have moved on and found the properties inside olive oil which make it so special, delicious and healthy too.
The main worthy component are monounsaturated fats, which are very good and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.
Another component is antioxidants, which stop the oxidation process (that leads to atherosclerotic plaque, causing narrowing of arteries).
There are four main types of olive oil:
1 - Pure olive oil
2 - Extra light olive oil
3 - Virgin olive oil
4 - Extra-virgin olive oil
The four of them are rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. The most recommended (especially for those who want to lower their cholesterol numbers) is extra virgin olive oil.
This is because this type is considered as "least-processed" one. Anyway go ahead with any of them, if you want to stay healthy.
Take care!
QUESTION: My father's lipid profile is
total cholesterol 209
hdl 57
triglycerides 257
ldl is low
he's diabetic, blood sugar 176, taking glucophage; diet and walking most of the days.
The doctor prescribed fish oil tablets and put in low fat diet.
Will fish oil lower cholesterol? If yes, how can when labels says it's high in cholesterol?
High cholesterol foods can lower high blood cholesterol?
I'm confused.
ANSWER: Hi there,
First of all, it's true that fish oil does contain cholesterol, but in small amount (0 to 1 mg) which is considered not significant to raise your blood cholesterol.
On the other hand, fish oil supplements are used because they are high in omega-3-fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which can:
- lower high triglycerides
- inhibit the progress of atherosclerotic plaque
- decrease the risk for:
- heart disease (heart attack or stroke)
- death
- helps lowering blood pressure
Although these seem to be very good results (according to some studies), there are other studies which do not recommend fish oil to reduce heart disease risk since there is no result not only in risk-reducing, but also in lowering high cholesterol.
However, apart of the contradictory studies' results, if your doctor decide your father should go for fish oil, just do as the doctor advise.
And, of course do include fish (especially cold-water, fatty fish) into your father's diet, they are the best choice for him.
Take care!